Note: Points were previously reset annually. Due to low activity this policy has been discontinued for 2024.


Player Information

Player Profile
Member of Clan:None
Player ID:10,546
Unique ID:STEAM_0:1:20539757
Steam IDv3:[U:1:41079515]
Steam Community:76561198001345243
Real Name:Not Specified
Email Address:Not Specified
Homepage:Not Specified
Last Connect:Oct 8, 2023 6:32:44 am (Total: 100 Connects)
Connection Time:1 days 06:16:57 hours
Average Ping:43.16ms (Latency: 21.58ms)
Favorite Weapon:PHYSICSGravity Gun
* marked values from last two weeks

Team/Role Selection and Player Actions

Team Time Joined Percentage Kpd
Spectators 0d 20:04h 241 times 88% 0.56
Rebel Forces 0d 01:22h 14 times 5% 0.84
The Combine 0d 01:00h 18 times 7% 0.85
Action Achieved Skill Bonus
Double Kill (2 kills) 223 times 446
Headshot 171 times 171
Triple Kill (3 kills) 90 times 180
Domination (4 kills) 40 times 200
Rampage (5 kills) 11 times 22
Mega Kill (7 kills) 4 times 8
Ownage (9 kills) 2 times 4

Map Performance

Map Time Kills Kills % Deaths Kpd Hs Headshots % Hpk
aim_arena_reloaded 0d 03:17h 174 10% 465 0.37 24 14% 14%
dm_tigcrik_r2 0d 03:14h 221 12% 437 0.51 13 8% 6%
dm_biohazard_cal 0d 01:48h 93 5% 223 0.42 11 6% 12%
dm_resistance 0d 00:56h 89 5% 78 1.14 3 2% 3%
dm_caverns_r1 0d 00:50h 65 4% 116 0.56 5 3% 8%
dm_lockdown_r6 0d 00:48h 45 3% 84 0.54 - 0% 0%
dm_skillbox 0d 00:46h 29 2% 53 0.55 5 3% 17%
dm_unraveling 0d 00:44h 56 3% 95 0.59 3 2% 5%
dm_valar_r1 0d 00:43h 42 2% 99 0.42 8 5% 19%
dm_underpass 0d 00:41h 20 1% 34 0.59 - 0% 0%
dm_saltmine_prefinal 0d 00:39h 22 1% 49 0.45 - 0% 0%
dm_armageddon 0d 00:38h 47 3% 100 0.47 14 8% 30%
dm_killbox_kbh_2_fix2 0d 00:37h 65 4% 72 0.90 17 10% 26%
dm_overwatch_cu 0d 00:34h 56 3% 97 0.58 1 1% 2%
dm_baggage_handling_v2h 0d 00:34h 26 1% 91 0.29 5 3% 19%
dm_lostarena_rpg 0d 00:33h 21 1% 32 0.66 5 3% 24%
dm_lockdown 0d 00:32h 29 2% 62 0.47 4 2% 14%
dm_veranda_pro 0d 00:31h 43 2% 72 0.60 5 3% 12%
dm_intensity_cu 0d 00:31h 24 1% 65 0.37 2 1% 8%
dm_fortress 0d 00:30h 33 2% 65 0.51 5 3% 15%
dm_battlefield 0d 00:25h 29 2% 31 0.94 1 1% 3%
dm_bastard 0d 00:24h 35 2% 52 0.67 3 2% 9%
dm_mudafuga 0d 00:22h 7 0% 4 1.75 1 1% 14%
dm_proelium 0d 00:21h 18 1% 12 1.50 4 2% 22%
dm_airfusion_final 0d 00:20h 7 0% 30 0.23 1 1% 14%
dm_ethic 0d 00:20h 27 2% 48 0.56 1 1% 4%
dm_tobor 0d 00:17h 48 3% 28 1.71 3 2% 6%
dm_nuclearis_rc1 0d 00:15h 15 1% 15 1.00 - 0% 0%
dm_icepick 0d 00:15h 18 1% 16 1.13 5 3% 28%
dm_hellrock_final 0d 00:15h 17 1% 32 0.53 - 0% 0%
dm_tigcrik_2020_xmas 0d 00:15h 11 1% 32 0.34 1 1% 9%
dm_infinity 0d 00:15h 2 0% 0 0.00 2 1% 100%
dm_winterchill_r3 0d 00:15h 3 0% 19 0.16 - 0% 0%
dm_vietnam_v2w 0d 00:15h 22 1% 34 0.65 3 2% 14%
dm_tigcrik_night_b5 0d 00:15h 2 0% 6 0.33 - 0% 0%
dm_banal1ty 0d 00:15h 6 0% 30 0.20 1 1% 17%
dm_island17 0d 00:15h 13 1% 26 0.50 - 0% 0%
dm_oldwest 0d 00:15h 27 2% 16 1.69 1 1% 4%
dm_loststation 0d 00:15h 20 1% 30 0.67 1 1% 5%
dm_killbox_awesome_final_clanginated_v1 0d 00:15h 5 0% 8 0.63 - 0% 0%
dm_frenzy_cu 0d 00:15h 18 1% 47 0.38 - 0% 0%
dm_aerowalk 0d 00:15h 14 1% 39 0.36 3 2% 21%
dm_donutbox_tsgk_rc4 0d 00:14h 18 1% 34 0.53 - 0% 0%
dm_drift_revised 0d 00:14h 20 1% 23 0.87 - 0% 0%
dm_organic_b5 0d 00:13h 14 1% 1 14.00 1 1% 7%
halls3 0d 00:13h 16 1% 14 1.14 2 1% 13%
dm_clocks 0d 00:13h 7 0% 10 0.70 - 0% 0%
dm_pitstop 0d 00:12h 13 1% 32 0.41 - 0% 0%
dm_runoff 0d 00:11h 2 0% 3 0.67 1 1% 50%
dm_archt 0d 00:10h 12 1% 16 0.75 - 0% 0%

Weapon Usage

Weapon Name Modifier Kills Kills % Deaths Deaths % Hs Hs % Hpk
PHYSICS Gravity Gun 1.00 550 31% 691 21% 27 19% 5%
SHOTGUN Shotgun 1.00 338 19% 631 19% 23 16% 7%
357 .357 Magnum 2.50 275 15% 512 16% 39 28% 14%
CROSSBOW_BOLT Crossbow 2.50 175 10% 357 11% 18 13% 10%
CROWBAR Crowbar 3.00 91 5% 108 3% 9 6% 10%
GRENADE_FRAG Frag Grenade 1.50 73 4% 368 11% 7 5% 10%
SMG1 SMG 1.50 62 3% 164 5% 3 2% 5%
AR2 Combine Assault Rifle (AR2) 2.00 55 3% 58 2% 3 2% 5%
SMG1_GRENADE SMG Grenade 2.00 49 3% 69 2% 5 4% 10%
COMBINE_BALL Combine Ball (Orb) 2.00 47 3% 81 2% 5 4% 11%
RPG_MISSILE Rocket Propelled Grenade 1.50 40 2% 81 2% 1 1% 3%
STUNSTICK Stunstick 3.00 10 1% 5 0% 1 1% 10%
SLAM S.L.A.M (Mines) 1.50 7 0% 10 0% - 0% 0%
PHYSBOX bTelefrag 0.00 4 0% 3 0% - 0% 0%
PISTOL 9mm Pistol 2.00 2 0% 9 0% - 0% 0%

Weapon Targets

Weapon Hits Head Chest Stomach Left Arm Right Arm Left Leg Right Leg Left Middle Right
SMG1 883 127 246 120 121 109 77 83 22.4 55.8 21.7
357 704 74 146 142 97 85 89 71 26.4 51.4 22.2
SHOTGUN 695 96 150 96 103 62 93 95 28.2 49.2 22.6
AR2 667 77 165 90 99 83 74 79 25.9 49.8 24.3
PISTOL 10 2 3 2 0 1 1 1 10.0 70.0 20.0


Weapon Shots Hits Damage Kills Deaths Kpd Hs Hpk Accuracy Dph Spk
SHOTGUN 1,738 1,311 58,626 338 631 0.54 23 7% 75% 44.70 5.10
357 3,127 738 67,686 275 512 0.54 39 14% 24% 91.70 11.40
CROSSBOW_BOLT 1,342 246 24,600 175 357 0.49 18 10% 18% 100.00 7.70
SMG1 6,553 1,104 14,624 62 164 0.38 3 5% 17% 13.20 105.70
AR2 4,302 714 33,597 55 58 0.95 3 5% 17% 47.10 78.20
PISTOL 105 10 112 2 9 0.22 - 0% 10% 11.20 52.50

Player Kill Statistics (5 or more kills, * marked values from last two weeks)

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